Oct 15, 2011

Consultant vs Prof

I attended a workshop on 2nd day of last ramadhan. The speaker talked arrogantly about the advance features of an analysis software and condemning SPSS and AMOS. While he personally admitted he did not know well SPSS, but i don't know why me and participants were so mesmerized with his arguments until some of us call him Prof or Dr. When the participants questioned on the advantages of SPSS and AMOS, he easily used a single argument to deny 'both are not in ratio'!

Later, I realised that there is no scientific evidence (as Dr of medicine always claimed!) that SPSS and AMOS are highly corrupted for analysis. If so, it will be acknowledged academically by researchers and scholars. Besides, the Prof in most talks/ seminar/ workshop I attended expressed their ideas and share their expertise humbly rather than condemning other works, underestimating participants and asking committee to pay attention to what he present! This difference could draw the line between a true Prof and a consultant that thinks he is better than the rest :)


fiezarmy said...

chantek blog u...terurus...tolong uruskan blog i...langsung tak terurus...

keep it up!


ida_zy said...

betul betul..
pernah tengok satu talk by habib ali aljufri: sheikh menyebut jika kita keliru untuk memilih kumpulan, lihatlah kumpulan mana yang lebih humble dan menerima pendapat org lain :)

Ibah said...

pz: u kan zb. i phm sesangt..i ni bila smbung blajo br boleh buat bende2 ni.. hehe... btw, hrp beno u apedet blog u... nk dgr gosip santan.

ida: oo yek? emmm... patutla sy degil je nk ikut haluan consultant tu.. hihi.. btw, teruk tk english saya? hwa hwa..

fiezarmy said...

keb: insya Allah u doakan i...................