Dec 21, 2006

Me and gift

I am the person who rarely receive gifts. I could remember vividly the numbers of gifts i received in my life time. But, for the recent years, the trend of gifts that I received is quite similar, the gift to improve my happiness!!

It is started with the book of 'Jangan Bersedih' by my best friend, Azma. It was given after i sent her sms that I felt uneasy with someone. Then, my friend Idawati gives me another translation of 'Jangan Bersedih', but by different publisher as a birthday gift.

For my convocation, I received a special gift from Hafizah, Hanani and Azma, and it is a 'smile cushion'. And, today, i receive a token of remembrance from my friend Hidayah, and it is a magnetic plate written: don't worry, be happy!!!

Dec 14, 2006

When people only interested with outcome, not process

I attended a meeting yesterday. One of the agendas is discussing new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for annual assessment. Frankly speaking, it is terrible. The measurement is taken from somewhere that is not clearly indicated. Obviously, as commented by Ungku Aziz, that items are not suitable with the current situation of local universities which have just operated not more than 50 years!!!! (those top rank universities established hundreds years ago!!)

It is a long time ago for not murmuring here and there. But, while preparing student's attendance, by copying list of students on university's portal, remove those hyperlinks that embedded on each 60's students, it really an unfair expected outcome while the assistance for managing all data and information on students and lecturers still at the chaos stage. Emmm, do not expect for victorious success of knowledge if the management fail to provide victorious success in managing appropriate data and information to facilitate teaching, research and publication.

Besides, what are the initiatives to achieve these outcomes? Is this part of organisational strategic plan? If yes, is there appropriate procedures to achieve these target? Please balance between vertical and lateral in thinking before making decision. We are responsible to help you, and you are responsible to help us!!

Dec 11, 2006

Her way

I'm always impressed with the listening skill of my sister. Yesterday, she quoted some dialogue of 'Buli balik' which I do not realise (eventhough I'm among the first watching it). Also, yesterday, she questioned ambigious pronunciation by Sheila Majid, which, again, i did not notice it although I was growing with Sheila's song. Hi2x.

So, what I conclude is those who could capture any symbol crossing their life is at much advantage reaching the understanding of knowledge. This is because symbol is the root of knowledge which represent the term of 'data' in the hierarchy of knowledge. Subsequently, the integration of these symbols forms information and finally results knowledge when it becomes belief and skill. (Next, the secret of information)

Dec 5, 2006

Nonaka perspective and the pillars of Iman and Islam

I've just thought of one thing. From Nonaka perspective, knowledge is defined as justified belief and skill. Meanwhile, the pillars of Iman acknowledge its principles from the belief form while the pillars of Islam acknowledge its principle from the skill form (shahadah, solat, fasting, zakah, and perfom haj). This definition of knowledge has further justified the beauty of Islam!!!!