Feb 20, 2012

Rasa yg lebih tinggi

Setelah beberapa ketika mendaftarkan diri di tempat kerja, satu makan malam di adakan utk meraikan bekas Provost. Malam itu saya menaiki kenderaan menumpang Kak Fazi. Kak Fazi tumpang Lee and Azah ingin ikutku sekali.Dalm kereta kami berempat banyak berdiam sahaja, dan ada satu rasa yg lebih tinggi buat kali pertama kurasai, kami semua berjawatan sama, dlm satu kereta!

Hari semalam setelah sekian lama tk borak dgn Fuzah, kawanku yg baik dn byk berjasa di tmpt kerja dulu. Sgt syukur ada kwan yg baik. borak panjang, putus dan Fuzah tel kembali. Sebelum itu seorang teman lagi menelefon, berbual pendek dan habis. Tapi keduanya memberi rasa yg hilang buat seketika, rasa bercerita dgn rakan sebaya!

Lantas, ianya memberi iktibar utk diriku yg alpa, apakah rasanya mereka yg merasa tenang, khusyuk, bahagia seperti para solehin dan wali. Mencapai rasa yg benar-benar lebih tinggi dan nikmat sekali. Maka dunia ini tak diendahkan lagi!

Feb 18, 2012

what's next - utk diriku yg alpa

Jika ditanya what's next may be jawapannya adalah basuh baju, siapkn kerja rsch, atau pun check internet lebih spesifik youtube, facebook atau email.

Tp tk semua org macm tu kan. Ada yg jawapanya lepas ni nk solat dhuha, wht's nxt solat zuhur lebih spesifik jam 1.30 atau sblm azan dah ada kt masjid, atau lepas ni nak tolong kawan semperna hari jumaat buat sedekah katakan.

Lebih teruk dlm solat what's next is tulis blog, atau pun bc posting facebook atau tunggu reply msg.

It depends on us. Yg pasti what's next is akhirat. Kene balance kan to-do-list dunia dn akhirat.

Feb 15, 2012

Wednesday Quote

Honesty - live as what you are, with what you have.

Feb 14, 2012

Tuesday Quote

Honesty - live as what you are

Feb 9, 2012

Research - seeking for ref

1.Snowballing - ini teknik mendapatkan ref dari paper org lain. we read papers and find out relevant sources to be obtained. I heard this method firstime told by Dik ma and later my svisor told me to use this snowballing technique. This also could avoid problems if someone who is expert in your research asked you: have you read this and that paper? (that highly cited in your area)

2. Use endnote - Efa told me to learn Endnote before start writing. She said this is very helpful to organise papers. Later, during postgrad briefing, someone next to me told her experience attending endnote class to a friend beside her. She explained how she managed to register at Library during the sem break by following several steps. She was fully satisfied with the course and recommend to the fellow friend to join it.
I found that it makes our papers to be more organised. Usually I type the title of paper i intended to have on Google. Later, after identified the sources, I go to the specific database (e.g. science direct) and find from there. This is because Google search across the databases. I tried Proquest 360 for example that claimed to offer cross search but unfortunately it listed to many articles and have to wade through it and of course wasting time!
Once obtaning articles from the d/base, use the function of export citation and it automatically will transfer all particulars (authors, year, title, bla2) into the endote and tadaaa! by choosing the stye (apa, harvard, whatever except your mum style is not available) it will present the biblio according to your preference.
Dont forget to download article and append to the record in end note (just drag and paste). I found it is useful especially when i came to situation, WHERE DO I LOCATE THIS AND THAT PAPERS???? errgghhh the tension arouse and it took my time browsing it all over my folders (but recently i just use function search programs and file in my computer and found one paper i save in 3-5 diff places, how not green i am!

3. Last but not least, stop browsing unnecessary! - promise yourself that today you only check your email, hehhehe. no yahoo portal, no friend's blog, friends of friend's blog, or not so friend blog. And at the end of the day after tired of not being yourself, you finished some works and time to brake the promise!

Feb 6, 2012

Saladin yang sadis

Membiarkan tv terpasang dan membuat kerja pada cuti ganti maulidur rasul, sy dihidangkan dgn siri animasi saladin, musim ke 2. Berlatar belakangkan suasana Damascus, terdetik rasa kagum anak Malaysia yang kreatif dalam menghasilkan animasi yg cantik2. Bak kata Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing, anak melayu memang lebih kreatif orgnya.

Masa berlalu dn dialog2 masih ringan2. Tidak melambangkan tmptnya, keperwiraannya dn yg penting Islam itu sendiri. Ia dialog2 biasa yang boleh didapati dlm bacaan ringan, sisipan hiburan dan penulisan skrip yang tak perlu tahu sejarah kepahlawanan Islam.

Hampir jam 12 tghari ceritanya berakhir. Suasana dn dialog akhir masih bermalas-malasan.