Jun 26, 2009

As there are many ways to look a thing..

Salam All

Hari ni Jumaat, seperti biasa mood pun ala2 Jumaat. Another deadline to meet tapi as my comp is now removing the infected file from my thumb drive so I spent time surfing the blogs of my fellow frens.

This week actually the last day of my fellow fren, Efa at the office. She's going to leave for Aussie for her phd in the next couple of weeks and decide to spent time before leaving with her family. However, we managed to insist her to stay here until next wednesday for her farewell party.

Antara kelemahan aku adalah sgt emotional. Bila sedih aku akan sedih sesedihnya dn merasakan aku la paling layak meratapi dn meraikan kesedihan tu. Bila aku marah/ terasa, aku rasa memang aku memang patut sepatutnya marah/ terasa dn stop from meeting/ talking to that person. Bila aku malu, aku akan malu semalu2 nya smpai aku rasa I have to avoid that person semahu2nya. Bila aku tak puas hati, aku tak puas hati sungguh2 dn mula pertikaikn kenapa jadi macm tu. Bila aku takut, aku akan merasa sewajarnya aku takut dn org lain pun wajar takut pd ape yg aku takuti. Tapi bila da naik 3 series, aku rasa nk lebih flexible. A wisdom word: The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problem, but those who learn to live with things that are less perfect.

There are many ways to see a thing. When we are sad or hving problem, let's look things in a more detail ways. For example, observing whatever the creatures around us, the views that we are passing by, understanding the meaning of what we are uttering in solah and doa', even some of us love cooking and cleaning their house with eyes of details when there were depressed.

Nurun alannuuur. Kalau cahaya pun byk spektrumnya, apatah lagi perkara zahir yang yg tak menyilaukan kita. Lihatla suatu perkara daripada pelbagai aspek. Jgn terlalu selfish dlm melihat sesuatu perkara walaupun pada pengamatan kita ianya 100% benar. Life is beautiful when we beautify our thinking.

To my dearest fren Efa, so many things to learn and there's no time to cry. Be tough, as a winner is not the one that keep crying but the one that keep fighting!

-Enjoy life, enjoy its colors!-

To my dearest Dik Ma, my prayers will always go with u (InsyaAllah), as I owe you knowledge and virtue..

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