Feb 20, 2008

on exam question

Merdeka! merdeka! merdeka..fuhh!! sungguh lega setelah selesai menghantar 3 set soalan exam kpd HOD. Renyah! that is the best word to describe them. to ensure everything is following the 10 outlines of exam paper formatting.

I have yet submitted another paper under accounting department. Ya Allah.. accounting people are more2 cerewet than us. they have a lot of members with eyes of details ensuring all the requirements of the outlines are fulfilled.

Hope, all the submitted papers will safely reach the students on the exam day with everything printed accurately...Ameen..


Anonymous said...

Bila nak mengundi PAS?? Hihihi...

Ibah said...

kah kah kah..undi adalah rahsia.
tatau sempat dak pi ngundi, hr ahad dh kene ada kt kg