Dec 21, 2006

Me and gift

I am the person who rarely receive gifts. I could remember vividly the numbers of gifts i received in my life time. But, for the recent years, the trend of gifts that I received is quite similar, the gift to improve my happiness!!

It is started with the book of 'Jangan Bersedih' by my best friend, Azma. It was given after i sent her sms that I felt uneasy with someone. Then, my friend Idawati gives me another translation of 'Jangan Bersedih', but by different publisher as a birthday gift.

For my convocation, I received a special gift from Hafizah, Hanani and Azma, and it is a 'smile cushion'. And, today, i receive a token of remembrance from my friend Hidayah, and it is a magnetic plate written: don't worry, be happy!!!

Dec 14, 2006

When people only interested with outcome, not process

I attended a meeting yesterday. One of the agendas is discussing new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for annual assessment. Frankly speaking, it is terrible. The measurement is taken from somewhere that is not clearly indicated. Obviously, as commented by Ungku Aziz, that items are not suitable with the current situation of local universities which have just operated not more than 50 years!!!! (those top rank universities established hundreds years ago!!)

It is a long time ago for not murmuring here and there. But, while preparing student's attendance, by copying list of students on university's portal, remove those hyperlinks that embedded on each 60's students, it really an unfair expected outcome while the assistance for managing all data and information on students and lecturers still at the chaos stage. Emmm, do not expect for victorious success of knowledge if the management fail to provide victorious success in managing appropriate data and information to facilitate teaching, research and publication.

Besides, what are the initiatives to achieve these outcomes? Is this part of organisational strategic plan? If yes, is there appropriate procedures to achieve these target? Please balance between vertical and lateral in thinking before making decision. We are responsible to help you, and you are responsible to help us!!

Dec 11, 2006

Her way

I'm always impressed with the listening skill of my sister. Yesterday, she quoted some dialogue of 'Buli balik' which I do not realise (eventhough I'm among the first watching it). Also, yesterday, she questioned ambigious pronunciation by Sheila Majid, which, again, i did not notice it although I was growing with Sheila's song. Hi2x.

So, what I conclude is those who could capture any symbol crossing their life is at much advantage reaching the understanding of knowledge. This is because symbol is the root of knowledge which represent the term of 'data' in the hierarchy of knowledge. Subsequently, the integration of these symbols forms information and finally results knowledge when it becomes belief and skill. (Next, the secret of information)

Dec 5, 2006

Nonaka perspective and the pillars of Iman and Islam

I've just thought of one thing. From Nonaka perspective, knowledge is defined as justified belief and skill. Meanwhile, the pillars of Iman acknowledge its principles from the belief form while the pillars of Islam acknowledge its principle from the skill form (shahadah, solat, fasting, zakah, and perfom haj). This definition of knowledge has further justified the beauty of Islam!!!!

Nov 21, 2006


Give the space
For he and she
They and it
We and me

Give the space
For the love and care
For chance and believe
For trust and humanity

Give the space
To anyone that you meet
To anyone that in need
Only then you will learn
The meaning of serenity

Nov 19, 2006

hierarchy of knowledge

I am working on a research of the area of ‘knowledge creation’. The research team’s leader asks me and my friend to identify the results of knowledge creation. One of the previously identified is innovation. So the challenge for both of us is to find out another relevant outcome of the knowledge creation.

So, this morning, I just thought of one thing. The answer should be ‘virtue’. Wasn’t me who had emailed a researcher in a university yesterday suggested that the highest hierarchy of knowledge is virtues, not wisdom? Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, as I just read last night describes wisdom as a process of integrating introductory knowledge and illuminative knowledge. So, wisdom is tool to achieve virtues.

So, how this could be approved? Social science is thirsty for evidence. I’m still thinking on it. Perhaps, I need to finish reading the ‘Risalah untuk Kaum Muslimin’ first.

Nov 17, 2006

lingkungan jauh dan lingkungan dekat.

Pernahkah kawan-kawan mendengar istilah di atas ini. Antara yg dijelaskan oleh saudara Faisal Tehrani di dalam blognya ( adalah:

Apakah filem lingkungan dekat? Filem lingkungan dekat ialah filem yang tidak dapat keluar dari kongkongan diri. Tema yang diangkat ialah seputar cinta, suami curang, kekasih lama, cinta tak kesampaian, dialognya komik tetapi lucah, bercampur-campur bahasa Melayu, Kantonis dan Inggeris, banyak sekali adengan gomol cumbu serta tidak membangkitkan apa-apa perasaan mencintai negara, bangsa apatah lagi agama secara signifikan. Ingat, secara signifikan. Inilah filem lingkungan dekat. Dan jangan cakap soal bentuk seperti sinematografinya bagus atau naratifnya cemerlang kerana ia adalah subjektif, ia tidak dapat diukur.

Sebaliknya filem lingkungan jauh itu adalah filem yang dialognya tepu falsafah, makna dan mesejnya terang (biarpun terasa seperti propaganda) dan paling bermakna filem ini bercerita soal pembangunan bangsa, aspirasi umat, dan membangkitkan semangat nasionalisme dan patriotisme.Ya mungkin ukuran mise en scene sedikit kurang dari filem lingkungan dekat tadi, mungkin juga filem lingkungan jauh ini sedikit serius, serta tidak membuat anda tertawa sia-sia.

Bagaimana dengan dengan blog, lirik lagu, puisi dan cerita-cerita yg kita kongsi sehari-sehari? Moga-moga kita sentiasa berada dlm kelompok yg memperjuangkan lingkungan jauh. Ananiyah diri mesti dijauhi.

Oct 30, 2006

how this blog was birth!!!

Salam everyone.

I have no intention to posse a blog. However, this morning, after a week of eidul fitri holiday, I was attracted to review an article which I came across before the break. After finishing reviewing it, the idea of publishing that article just entered my mind...and this blog was birth!!!

Why does knowledge and virtue? This is a slogan of my previous university. I love it very much as I only understood the true meaning of them once I joined this university. More than that, it is such a good reminder for me to enclose only writings related on these two. Enjoy reading!!!

Reading, thinking and knowing.

By Dr Mohd Zaidi

Brother Mohd Zaidi starts its writing by arguing that reading and thinking as the central role in the development of a nation. He then quotes the speech of Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak whom addressed that the acquisition of knowledge would be easier once reading becomes a natural habit. Then he quotes the speech of Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who urges universities to produce human resource whom could critically think on various issues. Then he relates both speeches to stress the importance of reading and thinking, also the culture of learning and knowledge.

He then highlights the faculty of discriminatory (al mummayiz) and bring the brief explanation between this term and its element of thinking process. He also brings the epistemology point of view in term of knowledge, knowing and thinking. Event though there is no definition of knowledge, the descriptions of the terms of knowing and thinking there is really beneficial and comprehensive.

He then described three important elements of thinking in accordance with the subject of ilm mantiq (Islamic science of thinking). The three are the material of thinking, the process of organizing and relating this material and finally the movement to the new unit of knowledge. All these elements are twisted by the thinking process. Therefore, he urges reading activities are critical in order to supply required information to smoothen this thinking process.